Uniting NYC Community Gardens Since 2011
Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) was formed in 2011 as a grassroots community gardens-based organization to unite the many volunteer-run community gardens in Loisaida, the Lower East Side and the East Village. LUNGS works to promote, protect and preserve gardening and greening through cooperation, coordination and communication. We believe that permanent community gardens and public greenspaces are necessary for a healthy New York.
LUNGS advocates on behalf of membership diversity, permanent community gardens and public green spaces. All community gardens are run by volunteers, who accept their role as stewards of the earth and strive to contribute to the health and well-being of our neighborhood. The gardens each have their own unique personality; each is managed under their own governing rules. Through advocacy and outreach, LUNGS provides support and encouragement for each garden’s needs through various projects and programming.
We sponsor arts and entertainment in community gardens; contribute to a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program; provide educational programming for children and seniors; supervise the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) in community gardens; and host neighborhood garden celebrations and workshops, including the annual Spring Awakening and Harvest Arts Festivals.
We work very closely with the 52 community gardens in our neighborhood and welcome conversations with other greening organizations throughout New York City.

Charles Krezell, President — Fireman’s Memorial Garden, De Colores Community Yard & Cultural Center
Riki Colon, Vice President — Sam & Sadie Koenig Garden
Karen Kandrac, Treasurer — Miracle Garden
Christopher Batenhorst, Secretary — Campos Community Garden
George Hirose, Program Director — Children’s Magical Garden
Board Members:
Wendy Brawer — Siempre Verde Garden
Shawn Dahl — De Colores Community Yard & Cultural Center
Carmine D’Intino — 6th & B Garden
Eileen Doster — 6BC Botanical Garden
Jim Fealy — Green Oasis Community Garden/Gilbert’s Garden
Frank Gonzalez — St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery Garden & Trinity Church
Michael Hinds — 11 BC Serenity Garden
Alvah Holmes — La Plaza Cultural de Armando Perez Community Garden
Shig Matsukawa — Down to Earth Garden
Carolyn Ratcliffe — Carmen Pabon Del Amanecer Jardin
Magali Regis — Toyota Children’s Learning Garden
Laura Sewell — El Sol Brillante