We are New York City’s Community Gardens District
Map of the Community Gardens
Gardens by Street
We are New York City’s Community Gardens District
There are more than 50 community gardens in the east side of Lower Manhattan (East Village and the Lower East Side) and includes some of the oldest gardens in NYC.
From the History of the Community Garden Movement, (https://www.nycgovparks.org/about/history/community-gardens/movement), “In April 1974, the City Office of Housing Preservation and Development approved a lease for $1 a month for what was called the “Bowery Houston Community Farm and Garden,” becoming the first community garden in the city.”
All gardens are run by the individual garden members, on land owned and managed by GreenThumb/NYC Parks Department (greenthumb.nycgovparks.org), New York Restoration Project (NYRP.org), the Manhattan Land Trust (manhattanlandtrust.org), or established through the Trust for Public Land (if prior to the Manhattan Land Trust, before 1999).
The garden season runs from April 1st through October 31st (April Fool’s to Halloween), and most community gardens have open hours on Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting. Check the garden’s gate for posted hours and visitors are always welcome when the gardens are open.
Map of the Community Gardens
in the east side of lower Manhattan: Lower East Side and East Village.

See also Gardens by Street.