Join a Garden
Many gardens need members. Simply visit one of the Lower East Side’s more than 50 community gardens and speak to a garden member.
Remember, all gardens are run by community volunteers, each has its own membership rules, and all reflect the beauty and diversity of Loisaida. Some gardens have individual plots, and some don’t. Some gardens have long waiting lists to join, but others don’t. With so many gardens, we’re sure you’ll find one that fits.
Most community gardens post the schedule for membership meetings outside their garden gates, or just stop by and ask.
Support LUNGS
You don’t need to be a garden member to volunteer with LUNGS. There are plenty of opportunities to help with the Spring Awakening and Harvest Arts festivals, the Summer Youth Employment Program, Community-Supported Agriculture and all the small details with running an all-volunteer organization.
Options to connect and support:
Email info@lungsnyc.org or contact us online and we’ll be sure to connect.
If you are a community garden in the Lower East Side/East Village, check whether your garden is listed on our Gardens page and if the details are correct. Information filled out for your garden can help our efforts as LUNGS to serve as an active resource for the neighborhood.