East River Park Meeting Tomorrow

The planned destruction of East River Park is going to have a direct impact on our gardens. LUNGS is holding a public meeting tomorrow, Thursday, January 17, at 7pm at 428 E10th St.(C&D) to discuss the situation. Please send a garden rep to be part of the discussion.

We are in the middle of a struggle to preserve East River Park. We are fighting the proposed plan and its implementation. The City intends to close the entire park for at least 3 1/2 years beginning next Spring.

Whatever is going to happen, the gardens need to be prepared. We will be called on to open our garden gates and welcome a community more needy than ever before. Our green spaces will take on an even important role for the neighborhood then today. We need to understand this and plan accordingly.

We also must plan for the joint hearing on East River Park at the City Council’s on Wednesday, January 23, at 1pm at City Hall. We must turn out in garden colors, with signs and numbers to show our strength and unity of our community.