Garden Details

Gardens & Greenspaces > Map of the Gardens | Gardens by Street | Gardens List—IN PROGRESS > Garden Submission Form for the Gardens List

Garden Information

Main details about this community garden

Garden Name
East Side Outside Community Garden
Garden Address
415 E 11th St, New York, NY 10009
Cross Streets
Between 1st Ave & Ave A
Garden by Street
11th Street
Garden Established

Garden Communications

Garden contact info.: email, website, social media, etc.

Garden Email
eastsideoutsidegarden AT
Garden Email List(s)
Group email (sending-replying by list members allowed)

Garden Contact Person

The main contact person for this garden

Display Name Use garden contact info. above.

Backup Garden Contact Person

OPTIONAL - The backup contact person for this garden

Display Name Backup N/A

Additional Garden Details

OPTIONAL. However, information that could be important (details below can be added/edited later via a private link provided after submission of this form).

Garden Mission
Garden Description
The garden actually became a green space/community garden around 1993 as Open Road Park. This green space is co-owned by NYC Parks and NYC Dept of Education (the East Side Community High School next door regularly uses this garden). This green space went through changes over the decades and eventually became a GreenThumb community garden in 2016. See also the About page and History of this green space.
Open Hours Season
April 1 - Oct 31
Open Hours

Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays (Mondays): 10 am – 4 pm 

Membership Information

Click here for membership information.

Garden Plots
Garden Size
8225 sq ft
Garden Features
Gardening Area
Composting Details
Regular Garden Activities
Garden Trees
Garden History on Website
Garden Bylaws on Website
Garden Rules on Website
Garden Guidelines on Website
Active During Winter Season
Sunlight Profile
Neighbors and Relations