Garden Details

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Garden Information

Main details about this community garden

Garden Name
Dias Y Flores Community Garden
Garden Address
520-522 East 13th St, New York, NY 10009
Cross Streets
Between Ave A & B
Garden by Street
13th Street
Garden Established

Garden Communications

Garden contact info.: email, website, social media, etc.

Garden Email AT
Garden Email List(s)

Garden Contact Person

The main contact person for this garden

Display Name Use garden contact info. above.

Backup Garden Contact Person

OPTIONAL - The backup contact person for this garden

Display Name Backup N/A

Additional Garden Details

OPTIONAL. However, information that could be important (details below can be added/edited later via a private link provided after submission of this form).

Garden Mission
It is the purpose of Dias y Flores Community Garden to provide a green, beautiful, restful, safe and congenial space for gardeners to garden and community to enjoy. To foster community bonds and engagement, the garden will be open as often as possible and serve as public space for meetings and other community functions or gatherings.
Garden Description

Open Hours Season
Open Hours

Check here to see the Open Hours Garden Schedule.

Membership Information

To become a member of the garden, one must complete three hours of good-faith garden work hours, and attend one monthly meeting.  Dues are $15, and a member is responsible for ten open hours. Members will then receive a key to the garden gate and the combination to the tool shed.  Members can sign up for a plot, which will be awarded according to one’s seniority on the list and availability of plots.

If you are interested in joining, please contact us at the garden email above or attend the next monthly meeting.

Garden Plots
Garden Size
5,156 sq ft
Garden Features
Gardening Area
Composting Details
Regular Garden Activities
Garden Trees
Garden History on Website
Garden Bylaws on Website
Garden Rules on Website
Garden Guidelines on Website
Active During Winter Season
Sunlight Profile
Neighbors and Relations