Tuesday September 17
El Jardin del Paraiso
706 E 4th St (Aves C & D)
10:35–11:35am • Kids’ day in El Jardin, painting shingles to go onto the children’s toolshed, putting perennial seed heads into the E. 4th Street tree pits; formal placement of tree-name plaques onto 4th Street tree guards; brief walk and talk thru medicinal/pollinator plot.

Green Oasis
370 E 8th St (Aves C & D)
7:30pm • Movie Night. Hitchcock’s Rear Window.
Miracle Garden
194 E 3rd St (Aves A & B)
7:30–9:30pm • Non-Human Persons. Video projection by Miah Artola. Her drawings, films and animations of a variety of animal and sea life. Visit artoladigital.com
6–7:30pm • Gabriel Royal. Singer/songwriter/cellist beautifully fuses R&B, Jazz, and Classical elements to create an entirely original sound. Check out YouTube, Gabriel Royal.

84 Ave B (6th St)
7pm • Marlis Momber film. Marlis Momber’s 1978 documentary about the LES, Viva Loisaida, chronicles what life was like for the director and her fellow immigrants in the mid 1970s.