Wednesday September 18
Carmen Pabon Del Amanecer Jardin
117 Ave C (7th & 8th Sts)
6–7:30pm • Jim Flynn performs “Ambient Harp Music”. Social Justice Singer, Song Writer, sponsored by Art Loisaida Foundation.
Children’s Garden
194 Ave B (12th St)
12–7:30pm • Bokashi composting workshop with E. Shig Matsukawa. We’ll manage our food waste dropoff using different techniques with bokashi.

De Colores Community Yard & Cultural Center
313 E 8th St (Aves B & C)
7pm • Stand-up Comedy with Cordero and Company. Featuring Andre D. Thomson, Zubi Ahmed, Jared Waters, Von Mycheal and Jarrod Fortune.
84 Ave B (6th St)
7pm • Ecological City Slideshow Celebrate grassroots climate solutions with Felicia Young’s spectacular slideshow of the 2019 Ecological City: Procession for Climate Solutions.
616 E9th St (Aves B & C)
7:30–8pm sharp • A performance by Theresa Byrnes, FRESH. Every piece of plastic manufactured on Earth is still with us. Living forever is something we assume, until we learn of death. We want to be remembered. We fear vanishing without a trace. I propose that plastic is a sacred object to be contemplated. We should treat plastic with reverence and not thoughtlessness.