Garden plot 20 at El Sol Brillante from early winter through the start of spring: 12/31/2023, 2/25/2024, 3/10/2024, and 3/24/2024.
Saturday, December 14, 2024 1 pm – 4 pm at Down to Earth Garden, 546 E 12th St (by Ave B) [map]
We will cover application guidelines on the bokashi method for preparing your soil whether in late fall, during the winter, or early spring.
We will make Activated EM (i.e., the bokashi microbes, aka bokashi spray) which is one of the main microbial applications to soil and organic matter (including fall leaves, plant clippings, twigs/branches, and food waste).
Non-food-waste bokashi composting pile at East Side Outside Community Garden.
Saturday, November 23, 2024 1 pm – 4 pm at Down to Earth Garden, 546 E 12th St (by Ave B) [map]
How to use the bokashi microbes to improve your soil, as well as, do non-food-waste bokashi composting.
Bring your own items (bottles and ingredients) and together we’ll make the bokashi ferments (Activated EM and/or EM•5). Bottle suggestions (type and size): – Type: seltzer water bottles (HDPE) since they are designed to handle the carbonation/gas pressure buildup. (Glass bottles are only recommended if an airlock can be used with it.) – Size: either 16.9 fl oz (500 ml), 1 liter (or 1 quart), or 2-liter bottle.
Ingredients (% of the volume or per volume of the bottle): Activated EM: blackstrap molasses (5%), EM•1 Microbial Inoculant (5%), and sea salt (2 tsp/liter). EM•5: blackstrap molasses (5%), EM•1 Microbial Inoculant (5%), apple cider vinegar (5%), 40% alcohol (5%) (e.g., vodka, tequila, whiskey), garlic cloves (1 clove/liter), and hot spicy peppers (3 or more/liter, can more different kinds, should be cayenne or hotter peppers).
We will make Activated EM (i.e., the bokashi microbes, aka bokashi spray) and the EM•5 foliar spray and show how to use them for gardening, plant care, soil improvement, and composting plant clippings, twigs and branches (without food waste).